Have you experienced times when, you feel down thinking you cannot go back to make something that went wrong better?
Have you lost hope? Have you started to believe that you cannot change things.
How about rethinking your capabilities? Yes, you are right. We cannot back to yesterday to change anything, but you do have now, this very moment and if continue to live this awesome experience called life, you will continue to have many moments in which you will have the conscious capability to pursue change.
Some changes take time and you need to work on them for a long time. The answer is in not giving up when you fall of the wagon. However, there are so many small changes we can pursue in a short time.
Planning is key
If you have an issue with any of your relationships in life and you wish you could go back in time to change something or do it better, let me remind you that you still have today.
You might not be able to fix that relationship if you are no longer in a relationship with that person. Yet, if you are, you have a chance to do so.
The best way to go about it is through careful thinking about the situation at bay and a well-thought dialogue that may fix things, heal wounds and be open to new frontiers. A key point is to not find faults, but initiate resolutions by asking forgiveness if you need to, set proper boundaries and get on changing that behavior which made you wish you could go back in time.
If you wished you could be an singer and feel that it is too late. It might not be. Look at Susan Boyle, she started her career and jumped to fame at 57 years of age. I always look up to this happening for counsel in those low moments. You never know what the outcome of something will be until you try. Of course, if you do not try the answer is set. So go take those lessons you could not afford before. You still cannot afford it? There are so many you tube videos to get you started.
Something good is going to happen!
Whether you are positive or become positive in life, is a personal choice. You might think that things just happen to you. However, if you look carefully, many things may happen because of a negative mindset. Negative expectations set us up for negative outcomes in many scenarios.
I encourage you to let go of yesterday and open the door to new possibilities in you life by choosing to expect positive outcomes. Please note, that sometimes whatever we may be trying like getting a job or getting in a school of choice might not happen on a first try, but like I said before, you still have today. Something good can still happen in preparation for tomorrow.
In short, if you recognize that we live moment to moment and we can choose to be grateful for yesterday’s positive and negative happenings. We can also choose to live now in recognition that now builds my next moment and most likely good consequences will follow good conscious decisions.
It is not over while you still have moments in this precious life, so do not give up or give in. Enjoy, hope, build and thrive.
With much love,
Alicia Yombalakian
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