In life, we go through cycles.
Just like the world goes through seasons, so do we. At times, we reach that place where everything seems to go downhill. We feel as if all is lost.
We reach that bottom line, where it feels as though we cannot get out of the hole. Our emotions are all over the place, therefore, everything in our lives suffer. Have you ever been there? Are you there right now? I have been there countless times throughout my life. Not easy, but possible. I got out every single time. I became stronger with every experience of resilience
Every time we are in the downhill part of a season, we somehow rise up again and start over. Yes, we grow resilient! There could be several reasons why we go to that ugly, painful, and sometimes emotionally torturing pit.
Whether a difficult cycle starts because someone close to us gets sick or dies, or whether we lose a job, get divorced, or sick, we will find emotional difficulties.
Our thinking will change. In many instances, we will feel shaken. Depending on the happening you are going through, the balancing and healing process will take different amounts of time. Yet, it is important to know that no matter where you are, if you are still breathing, you have an opportunity to heal, to overcome and start again.
I don’t have all the answers, but I believe in developing a plan of action for those special times in life. If you do not have a plan, you might feel lost and hopeless.
Here is a small plan for you. Use it as is, modify it to your personality and circumstances, or research a plan that tackles your specific needs.
It is also important to check with your doctor if you suffer from hormonal imbalance due to a disorder.
- Accept that what happened, happened.
- Acknowledge that this is a process and you cannot hurry it up if you want long term success.
- Do not waste your time finding blame. It will not prosper you. Instead, work on healing yourself.
- If there is someone you need to forgive, do let it go for your own good.
- Do not keep it to yourself. Share your pain with someone. Do not dwell on the issue, but get it off of your chest.
- If you can, find a support group. It can be in a church, a group of friends, or family that you can count on.
- Give your emotions a workout. Journal, draw, sing, or use whatever form of expression that will allow these emotions to come out in a healthy way.
- Design a plan of action by choosing what you want to achieve and making a list of priorities to follow.
- Visualize yourself, healed and happy. Do this often.
- Whenever possible, volunteer. Help someone else in need. This will make your problems smaller, and it will take your attention away from you.
Remember that so long as you are on this earth, you can always find a way to overcome, to start again, to find a purpose, or to take on something new. It is never too late. We do not have to be what we feel. We can rise above our feelings and create a great life for ourselves. Our feelings will adjust to the new person we have become.
With much love,
Alicia Yombalakian