Today, I was preparing my morning coffee. I opened the fridge to get the yummy vanilla coffee creamer I had just bought yesterday. I looked and I looked, moved things around in the fridge and nothing. I could not find it. I was getting impatient, as I really wanted to take that first sip of my coffee.
I closed the fridge an said: “Never Mind!”. Yet, a still peaceful voice inside my head told me: “Alicia, look again”; and so I did, and guess what was right there in front of my eyes. Yeah, the coffee creamer. How could I have missed it? Right?
Sometimes, we look for solutions to problems while we are angry, desperate or impatient and we cannot see clearly. We feel as though we cannot resolve anything.
Meditate, take time to calm the busy voice in your mind. If you believe in God I would suggest to seek Him and focus on the great peace giver. No matter what do not give. The solutions will show up in front of your eyes, just like my coffee creamer did this morning.