Go with the flow. Is that the way to go?
Sometimes it is the best way to go. Sometimes it is not. Therefore, it cannot be used as a rule of thumb.
Because knowingly or unknowingly we need acceptance from other human beings ,and because we need to experience a sense of belonging; we many times go with the flow. Whether their flow goes along with our personality, taste and way of life or now. Therefore, many times our values are jeopardized.
Yet, we become blind and give in to be someone we are not in front of a particular person or a specific group of people. We compromise to not be left out, to fit in. Did you know that there is a price to pay every time you compromise?
The decision is always yours.
What you are compromising for might be less beneficial that what you are gaining. Therefore, it is a great cause to compromise your values, traits of your personality, goals or personal desires. Say that you need to fit in at work, or be part of the “in group”. I understand how hard it is to not fit in or be part of the cool group at work.
It may make your life hard, sometimes even “a living hell”. You may go unnoticed and your efforts and hard work might go unnoticed. It may cut your chances for growth within the company. This is very a personal decision, since you make a living at that job. However, how much are you willing to compromise for it? For how long? Or, how much are you willing to suffer so that you do not compromise? If you find yourself in such situation, it might be time to try your best at work, while you seek new employment.
You can be confronted with situations where it is imperative for you to fit in and be part of… This can a happen at school, at church, in your neighborhood, etc.
Be aware of who they are before you pledge allegiance.
If you are about to choose a business partner, for example. I would suggest to really know who that person is in a personal level before you open that door. Do you hold similar values? Is this person willing to compromise to healthy practices if needed?
Is this your boyfriend or girlfriend? These are important topics to discuss if you are looking for a long term relationship. If you deffer in how much you would compromise in an unhealthy way to fit in, that would be a strong discrepancy in your relationship.
Going with the flow may be a good thing if it is for a greater purpose, if it is to keep peace or a good relationship. Please, be aware every time you make choices that will affect your values and your value as a person
With much love,
Alicia Yombalakian
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